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Affordable Housing

As a City Councilmember, Jing Sun will collaborate with the Irvine Land Trust, nonprofit building organizations, and state-level agencies to accelerate the construction of affordable housing through a transit-oriented development. Jing will provide affordable workforce housing solutions, ensuring that people who work in Irvine can access high-quality, affordable living spaces, which will ease congestion and support our climate action goals. Finally, Jing will fight for housing justice, stamping out discrimination in the housing market and ensuring people from all ages and backgrounds have access to housing that suits their needs. 


Neighborhood Revitalization

Jing will protect our neighborhoods and advocate for balanced growth in the city. By expanding the One Irvine program, Jing will support financial incentives for voluntary historic preservation initiatives, particularly for homeowners with houses that were built before the 80s. He’ll also assist residents in installing solar panels, improving energy efficiency and reducing utility costs in older homes.

Education and Libraries

Jing is committed to enhancing educational resources in Irvine by closely working with the Irvine Unified School District. He fully supports the establishment of a new library in the Great Park area to serve its surrounding residents. Equally important, he also recognizes the need to rejuvenate the older University Park and Heritage Park libraries, proposing either significant renovations or complete rebuilding to modernize these essential community assets.


Commercial Development

To meet the growing needs of the newly-built residential areas, Jing Sun supports the development of additional shopping centers and re-zoning of parts of the city to support mixed-use commercial development. This will provide residents with greater convenience and bolster local economic growth by enhancing retail options closer to homes.


Sustainability Leadership

Jing aims to position Irvine as a leader in sustainability through technology innovation. He’ll foster partnerships with tech companies, support start-up incubators, and promote research and development initiatives. These efforts will drive economic growth, create high-value jobs, and ensure Irvine stays at the forefront of the technological revolution.


Climate Action

Jing’s plan includes widespread solar panel installations, promotion of electric buildings, the expansion of the Irvine Connect Bus program and the promotion of bikeable roadways. These efforts aim to promote sustainable living, enhance public transportation options, and support affordable housing development, reducing the city's carbon footprint and fostering a healthier environment.

Public Safety

Jing Sun is committed to enhancing public safety in Irvine. Recognizing the essential role of first responders, he will ensure that police, fire, and emergency medical services are well-equipped and well-funded. Jing supports community-based approaches to safety, including expanded public safety education programs and increased collaboration between law enforcement and community groups. This strategy aims to build trust and foster a safe environment for all Irvine residents.


Open Space Reserve and Trails

Jing fully supports the Gateway Preserve program in north Irvine and advocates for using the Bommer Canyon and Shady Canyon trail systems as models for expanding trail networks in both the northern and southern parts of the city. This expansion will provide more accessible and enjoyable outdoor recreational opportunities for all residents in Irvine.


Physical Health and Community Events

In an effort to promote physical health and community engagement, Jing will introduce a new half-marathon race to coincide with our CicloIrvine – an OpenStreets event. This event will encourage active lifestyles and provide a platform for community bonding and charitable fundraising.


Dog Parks

Recognizing the importance of recreational spaces for pet owners and families, Jing will champion the expansion of Irvine's dog park facilities. Currently, the City of Irvine only offers one dog park, earning an extremely low score on the national park index and giving residents limited choice to go for their dogs to socialize with other dogs. Jing proposes the addition of multiple new dog parks across the city to better serve all residents’ needs.

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